Saturday, August 23, 2014

Blogging is something one must sustain or the blog goes dry. Reruns or mulligans don't work. I've been focusing too much on writing and proofing and writing and editing. I just haven't written anything new here. Rambling isn't blogging, is it?

Okay, I am trying to push my butt towards at least publishing something. It's been nearly a year and half since I published the last two. It's not that I don't have plenty of stuff to publish, because I do. I'm sitting on top of nearly twenty completed novels. I hope to have The Perfect Spook House published by Halloween. Hoping and doing are not exactly cooperating. Procrastinating is working just fine though. I don't have writer's block and don't think I ever have. It's that drive to promote and sell that has come to a screeching halt. Sadly, that rests on my shoulders as all who self publish are aware. No one pays us to write. No one is out there peddling the goods. It falls squarely on our shoulders. It often makes you feel like a mutation, a cross between a used car salesman and snake oil peddler. It works for a while then it gets sort of old for me and those I'm dogging.

Every author, sounds too strange for me to admit I am, searches for that one break out book, one that makes the world take notice. Unfortunately there are a zillion hungry souls out there chasing the very same dream. You can only go to the well so many times before family and friends cry uncle and band you from the land. People begin avoiding eye contact, crossing to the other side of the street, stop commenting to your babbling on Face Book. Book sales become mercy killings.

I began writing in 2003 while cooped in a hotel three night a week during business travel. I did it for me, not real aspirations to publish. I cranked out a 650 page something called The Lord's Last Acres. Looking back at it now, it needs a tune up and should be sliced and diced, made into a series instead of one book. I wrote The Caregiver's Son for me, my way to overcome grief and depression after losing mama, daddy and granny in 11 months. I did it for me, never ever really expecting to share it with anyone else. Road Rage just came to me after we moved to the beach. I kept a log of near misses, crazy drivers, eye witnessed wrecks for a few weeks and came up with the idea, what if someone was pushed over the edge...and no, I am not a serial killer but I did stay at the Holiday Inn Express. Dark Thirty bubbling in my pea brain after seeing all the senseless bullying in this world. I liked my characters in Road Rage, thus North of the Border evolved and I'm currently winding down the third in the Detective Trudy Wagner series, Tithe and Offerings, with the plot of a forth already stewing, The Low Country Hunt Club.

Lou Who evolved from this crazy brain of mine, a woman suffering from Alzheimer's becomes possessed b a vengeful one hundred year old witch. Alzheimer's finds it way into many of my tales.

Absent on Arrival, a weird tale of something gone terribly wrong at a resort in the Smokey Mountains, a little Steven King sort of...and NO, I'm not comparing myself to the great one.

No Mulligan came to light after watching Tiger Woods life spiral out of control. I put my twist on the story and upped the anti to toss out a murder mystery with my usual twists.

The Perfect Spook House is depicted in Abbeville. Outside the Clique is centered in Calhoun Falls. A group of high school buddies attend a high school reunion many years later. One of the guys has lost touch with the others. Dark secrets exist for the homeboys who never left and he is soon reeled back into the clique where things are not one they seem.

The Tenth Elemental is centered around the world of Gnomes and deities in Maggie Valley.

More bullying exists. Mack, Dark Thirty Continues. Just what happened after the ending in Dark Thirty? I have a series of short stories geared towards young folks, Bully on Board.

I have two more kid's books completed but no published of course. Digging Sea Turtles and Mister Twix ix Missing, A Cat Scene Investigation.

Of course I have my Sasquatch Trilogy, the first two novels complete, (1) Foot (2) Another Foot and the third started, The Final Foot.

Characters from Foot series and Trudy Wager series cross paths in Last Stand on the Grand Strand, something primeval swims in the waters off the coast.

More memoirs:  (1) Cornbread and Buttermilk, Gold Ole Fashion Home Cooked Nostalgic Nonsense, (2) Soppin the Possum, the Second Helping (3) Fostering Four, my time as a foster parent

Have I babble blogged you senseless? How about this, the in progress projects that I am writing...

(1) The Hardwood Walker of Ports Harrelson Road, a tale from Bucksport, SC, based on factual events, with my spin added. (165 pages in the can)
2) Just Who the Heck on the Joneses (another mystery, 78 pages)
3) Raw Ride, a Good Ole Fashion Zombie Apocalyptic Shoot-um Up (44 pages)
4) Potential Novellas or Four stories within in one book titled Love from the Man Cave Perspective with four stories 1) Love from the Dark Side 2) The Longest Hello 3) The Single Guy's Roadmap to Marriage 4) The Widow Magnet
5) The Book Peddler - just what would you do to sell your books?
6) Potential kid's books 1) Walking my Fish 2) Chicken Lovers Inc. 3) Drum Stick and Jack-O-Lantern 4) The Pinecone People

And then MAYBE, the BIG SURPRISE, a nonfiction one might eventually see the light of day.

And one other project potentially, a collaboration with a talented Abbeville Classmate...

Say shut up...blogged you good, didn't I?

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