Thursday, December 19, 2013

Politically INCORRECT
Okay it's rant time. Reader warning, I'm about to type my mind, one fed up with one sided bull crap. Our freedom is dissolving as surely as AlkaSeltzer tablets in a glass of water and it tastes just about as bad. Attacks by those who have nothing better to do than ruin the lives of those who don't agree with them. That's why were re different, PEOPLE!!! We have likes and dislikes, those things we believe in and those things we don't. Why should we like the same food, same movies, same sports, have the same religious beliefs, have the same political beliefs. Here I go with just  a few examples:
A Massachusetts family says they have received a letter from an anonymous scrooge blasting their Christmas decorations because “not everybody in the neighborhood is Christian." It's Christmas and it has been Christmas forever. Get over it. Neighbors gathered around her home on Saturday night to sing Christmas carols and show their support. Way to go, like that.
A TV station in Raleigh was in hot water after an anchor of their early afternoon news shows mistakenly said that Santa was made up, according to sources. Okay, is there anything reall worth saying here?
The Pennsylvania middle school that suspended a 10-year-old for pretending to shoot a fellow classmate with a bow and arrow has until Friday to remove the suspension from the student's record, or face potential legal actions from the boy's parents. I kissed a girl on the monkey bars when I was six. I've a sixty year old fugitive of justice. Folks this is getting out of hand, I'm just saying.
 A five year old was issued a suspension from school for making a gun gesture with his hand. He was playing army on the playground. Busted, I grew up playing army, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, killing and being killed with play guns. Guess what, I didn't turn out to be a serial killer or on the Most Wanted List. Parents start treating your kids like kids. Allow them to be kids, not adults. Stop acting more like children than real children and earn their respect, try to be role models, share family time with them and quit blaming others for the way they act or disrespect kids, teachers and other adults. By the way, teachers are not supposed to be the parents and stop blaming them for your short comings. And bullying on any level is not to be tolerated.
Camels back has been broken. What is this world coming to now? The famous quote from Planet of the Apes when our protagonist sees the Statue of Liberty in shambles 'It's a mad house!" 
Phil Robertson referenced the Bible when talking to GQ about his thoughts about homosexuality and sinning and he mentioned many more sins than just the one everyone keyed in on. Without getting into all the rhetoric and debate, he said comments, news media and special interest groups weighing in and demanding Phil's head on a platter, the demise of Ducky Dynasty, I say just one thing, Watch where this thing goes A&E. Jumping the gun like you have done, Pandora's Box has been flung open and the real majority will speak loudly and clearly. Papa always said God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason; he wanted us to listen twice as much as we talked. Listen to what your viewing audience is saying and weigh carefully what you say moving forward. If I were a Robinson, giving the circumstances, I'd bid you a fond farewell and take my following with me...ouch! Like Phil, I always say what I believe, one man's opinion, you don't have to agree with me, that's your right just as it is mine to be me and speak my mind, do what I feel I need to do and not be someone I'm not, just for the sake of being popular or politically incorrect. If I don't care for a movie or tv show I don't watch them. I listen to music I like and don't if it doesn't appeal to me. I like some actors, don't like others. I don't demand that everyone and every circumstance changes to suit little on me because others out there feel differently and like other stuff that don't appeal to me. Relax, enjoy life the way you feel you need to live it and stop trying to change the lives of those they see things differently. Trust me, it will be a lot less stressful when you do. Phil, I raise my class to you, not for saying what you said but for being whom you are, true to yourself. Lessons can be learned I people can put away the stirring pot and enjoy what life has o offer them. We're all unique and that's all right with me.
I do have a plot for a novel entitled ironically 'Politically Incorrect'. One day it might see the light of day and when it does, you have the right to read it or not, agree with it or not, and I have no issue with your thinking, good, bad or ugly. We have the right to disagree but let's be seasonable and reasonable and not go off half coked always demanding for people to be fired or punished for doing and thinking differently.  Look in the mirror, it's not that becoming to be like that. One man's opinion is just that. 

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