Saturday, May 3, 2014

Views from the 10th floor balcony @ Garden City Beach:

  1. Surfers wait patiently to ride three and four foot waves. Watching them offered up a redo intro to my novel, Last Stand on the Grand Strand.
  2. Big dogs love to walk on the beach, pulling their human counter parts along. Little canines have to be dragged along, not embracing the experience.
  3. Pelicans, geese, ducks, crows, seagulls and everything feathered, flies below us.
  4. The South Carolina State Bird, the dreaded mosquito, apparently doesn't like heights or can't fly ten stories upward. Same goes for flies...
  5. There are two types of beach goers right now; old farts or very young poots, not much in between.
  6. Elevators work better this time of year; no people, no waiting.
  7. Golf carts exist year round and are there to ruin my life...inspired my novel Road Rage, just check the cover
  8. Beach solitude offers opportunities to recharge the creative juices...150 pages completed of a new novel, The Hardwood Walker of Ports Harrelson Road, based on true events of a haunting in Bucksports, S.C.
  9. My live in proofer is working her way through Buttermilk and Cornbread, Good Ole Home Cooked Nostalgic Nonsense.
  10. The ocean waves are just as noisy and soothing from ten floors up.
  11. People with metal detectors will spend hours waving that thing around.
  12. Jellyfish are the possums of the beach.
  13. Not having expanded cable doesn't make me appreciate regular programming.
  14. I'm thinking less about work, more about retirement.
  15. Fridays are shorter when they aren't workdays.
  16. People are still mesmerized by any sort of shell washed up on the beach
  17. It's a far peace to the other side of the ocean.
  18. We didn't order new condo den furniture soon enough. It won't be delivered for another three to four weeks. Try getting out of furniture.
  19. It's a one person kitchen at best in the condo.
  20. Breakfast tastes better on a beach balcony; even blackened cheese toast.
  21. We sure can junk up a place.
  22. A two mile walk on the beach beats anytime spent on an elliptical or treadmill.
  23. I'm one of those old farts; just saying.
  24. A VCR for DVR is not an even swap.
  25. VCR's are like using a television without a remote by comparison.
  26. One week is not nearly long enough.
  27. Thank goodness we have internet.
  28. I'll need a DVD with recordings of ocean waves to play during my morning commutes to work.
  29. Getting my footsies wet in the ocean is just as satisfying as body surfing at my age
  30. We should do this more often. After all we live less than ten minutes from the beach.

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